Virtual classroom trainings

Intensive Across know-how in four modules – wherever and whenever you need it

You have already gained some initial experience with the Across Language Server and would like to enhance your skills? Or would you like to polish up your Across knowledge and learn about more helpful tips and tricks? As a translation agency, would you be interested in having your Across expertise officially certified?

If so, our classroom training is what you need: In four modules in a variety of different subject areas, you will learn everything you need for your work with the Across Language Server. Be quick to secure a spot!


  • In a virtual training room.
  • With an interactive concept and a lot of personal exchange via video conference.
  • Work material will be provided.
  • The individual modules are spread across two days.
  • You can book all modules individually. It is necessary to book part 1 and part 2 of each module together.

Gebrüder Lödige Maschinenbau GmbH

"I have never experienced a training course that was presented in such an exciting and interesting way, so that the learning content started out easy and understandable and remained so throughout the advanced content."

BSH Hausgeräte GmbH

"The training was great, it was a perfect fit. Frank did a great job, thank you very much"

Herwig Rodehack 

Further feedback from participants

"The trainer had a professional and competent answer to everything."

"Structured and clear description of the software with detailed answers to questions."

and much more

Did the trainer answer your questions in sufficient detail?

Average percentage of all respondents:


How would you rate the professional competence of the trainer?

 4.9 out of 5 possible stars                                               

Dates 2024

(All trainings can also be booked as individual events)

November (English)

  • Project Management:
    • Part 1 - Monday, 18.11.2024 from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
    • Part 2 - Monday, 18.11.2024 from 13:30 p.m. to 17:00 p.m.
  • System Management:
    • Part 1 - Tuesday, 19.11.2024 from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
    • Part 2 - Tuesday, 19.11.2024 from 13:30 p.m. to 17:00 p.m
  • Translation:
    • Part 1 - Wednesday, 20.11.2024 from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
    • Part 2 - Wednesday, 20.11.2024 from 13:30 p.m. to 17:00 p.m
  • Terminology:
    • Part 1 - Thursday, 21.11.2024 from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
    • Part 2 - Friday, 22.11.2024 from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.





  • Certification package: €4,999
    • 2 participant, all 4 modules
  • All-inclusive package: €2,999
    • 1 participant, all 4 modules
  • Enterprise package: €2,097
    • 1 participant, 3 modules (Project Management, System Management, Translation)
  • Optional single module: €650
    • 1 person, 1 module

Module details

Module 1: Project Management

This course provides a detailed overview of the Across areas relevant to project management. These areas are essential for the smooth flow of the translation management and the task assignment.

Table of contents

  • Detailed project management knowledge
  • Project Settings
  • Task management (online, offline, crossGrid)
  • Overview of workflows and supply chain
  • Reporting and monitoring (PM Cockpit)
  • Quality management

Training objective

Translation managers will gain a comprehensive insight of the functions and settings required for quick and effective task handling.

Module 2: System Management

In this course, we will convey all the skills you need in order to configure the Across Language Server as effectively as possible. In this way, you will be able to ensure smooth workflows in the supply chain and in translation management. The course focuses on the individual configuration options of the system settings, the workflows, and the supply chain.

Table of contents

  • Overview of the architecture and supply chain
  • User management
  • crossGrid and crossWAN
  • Interaction of the templates
  • System settings
  • Workflow management
  • Insight into crossAdmin

Training objective

You will gain a comprehensive understanding of the background processes, which will help you to make your translation management more efficient. You will learn how to configure the settings in the best way possible.

Our Recommendation

The project and system management modules belong together in terms of content and should be attended by the same person if possible.

Module 3: Translation

In this training course, we mainly address the crossDesk translation environment. We focus especially on functions and options that enable quick and successful completion of your translation work.

Table of contents

  • Task management (confirming and delivering)
  • Detailed knowledge regarding translating in crossDesk
  • Review with Across
  • Browser-based crossWeb client
  • Translation memory maintenance with the crossTank Manager
  • Import and export of translation memories
  • Alignment in Across

Training objective

You will learn how to use the translation environment efficiently and make good use of the Across tools for establishing and maintaining translation memories.

Module 4: Terminology

In this course, you will learn how to use the crossTerm terminology system in the best way possible as well as how to adapt it to your own terminology processes. You will gain a basic overview of the terminology structure and deeper insight into the possibilities of crossTerm.

Table of contents

  • Structure of crossTerm
  • Overview of the crossTerm Manager
  • Working with instances
  • Data categories and templates
  • Importing and exporting terminology
  • Overview of the assignment of rights

Training objective

You will learn how to use crossTerm correctly and efficiently in order to maintain existing terminology and add new terminology.

Sign up now

Across Certification for Translation Agencies

Translation agencies can get officially certified in classroom training. Show your customers your Across competence!


  • In each location, two employees must attend all four modules. Different participants may register for each module. An exam is not required. For location-independent certification, all modules must be attended by at least four employees.
  • The certification applies to the trained employees and is version-specific.
  • If trained employees leave the company, it is necessary to train additional employees in the Across classroom.

Validity and Communication

  • Presenting the certification on the Across website 
  • Using the certification logo in external communication
  • Issuing certificates of participation