Across automations

Quality, short time to market, and low translation costs?

Our automation solutions make it possible.

Make an appointment for a consultation

If you wish, you can fully automate your translation processes with Across:

  • An interface between your editorial system and Across enables the automated transfer of source texts to Across and the setup of translation projects.
  • All sentences already stored in the translation memory of the Across  Language Server from previous translations are automatically pre-translated.
  • Previously unknown sentences are translated by AcrossMT or another machine translation system integrated in your Across workflow.
  • If all quality requirements for translations are met in this way, the translation workflow could end at this point, and the translated text could automatically be returned to your source system via the interface.

Though this scenario is technically possible, it is rarely viable. With our solutions, we also offer extensive automation options for texts whose translations are expected to meet high quality standards.

Across offers numerous automation options.

Configuring the Across

Across Language Server offers numerous automation options out of the box. Our consultants can help you to customize the ALS in accordance with your individual needs.

Automatic task assignment

Tired of clicking? Blocked by repetitive work? If your project management always follows the same rules, you can auto-assign the tasks within the scope of the workflow.

Across Language Portal

With the Across Language Portal Solution (ALPS), your colleagues can easily submit texts for translations and download finished translations via the browser. Customize ALPS in accordance with your needs with our consultants.


Let your editorial systems communicate automatically with Across via interfaces. Seamless integration of translation management in the existing system landscape is part of the DNA of the Across Language Server.

Machine translation

Integrate one of the leading translation systems—such as AcrossMT or DeepL—in your translation process and have all sentences not translated from the translation memory auto-translated.

Entering terminology

Uniform terminology improves the translation quality and facilitates the communication throughout the organization. However, the processes involved need to be designed carefully. Our consultants have the needed expertise and will be pleased to assist you.

Direct contact

Robin Gegenheimer

+49 (0)7248 925 425